A To-Do List is The Worst Way To Get Important Things Done

A to-do list isn’t helping you get IMPORTANT things done. Look, I get it, its been trained into us that a to-do list is how you get things done. I’m a big fan of lists, so don’t get me wrong here. What I’m saying is that it can get in the way of finishing things that are important to you.

Let me ask you, does everyone who uses a to-do list always crush their goals? The act of writing things on a list is not what ensures we finish important things. In fact, how many times have you heard about the dopamine hit you get when you check things off your list? Does that drive you to put important things on the list or easy-to-check-off-quickly things to get the dopamine boost?

If you keep busying yourself with the never-ending and insignificant to-do’s, you’ll never have time for the things that are truly important to your soul.  

So how do you ensure your important things get done? You start with step one - defining what is important to you. This can be as simple as asking yourself…

“What do I wish that I had more time for”?  

Or envision yourself feeling really proud of where you spend your time in a day. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and visualize yourself going to bed proud and fulfilled because you spent your time on things that matter to YOU. Then, write down…

“What was I doing when I imagined a day that fulfilled me and made me feel proud?”

Do any of the actions that came to you when you asked the above questions ever make your to-do list? Are they important to you though? 

Break those “important-to-you” tasks and activities down into bite size chunks. Think 15-30 minute actions. Start to put those items on your to-do list instead… Or better yet, put them on your calendar and treat them like your most important doctors appointment or client meeting.

Do you want to keep chasing the never-ending to-do list of insignificant tasks only to feel unfulfilled at the end of your days? Frustrated that you never have time for what matters to you? Or would you rather get clear on what is important and begin inserting these meaningful actions into your days?

If you are ready to take action and let the important take priority in your life, download this free mindmap tool here to get clear on the actions that you will prioritize!


Stop Chasing Work-Life Balance


Time Management is Not the Best Way to Reach Your Goals