Create the time and focus to finish the project that matters most…

Been dreaming about starting a business, launching a podcast, or having a social media presence? Let me show you how to overcome the blocks standing in your way, and conquer the project that you've been putting off!


If you’re like most of my clients, you’ve been carrying around your soul-led goal for a long time, and what once started as a whisper has only gotten louder: start that business, create a new service offering, launch a podcast, speak on stages, REPEAT.

With a busy and full life, adding the execution of one more thing leaves you feeling completely overwhelmed by the next steps, and unsure if you are really capable of achieving your soul-led goal.

This is exactly why I created my group coaching program, Execute with Ease SIMPLIFIED, so that you can learn how to both listen to those whispers and start taking action on them - even when you feel blocked.

It’s not that you don’t know what you want to do, it’s that you aren’t sure where to start or how to find the time!


Execute with Ease SIMPLIFIED

This 3-month group program is designed to help you find the time, energy and focus to conquer a soul-led project!

Execute with Ease SIMPLIFIED

A method that helps you execute your vision with ease.

In Execute with Ease SIMPLIFIED, you’ll learn to…

→ Keep your “shiny object syndrome” in check

→ Prioritize your needle-moving tasks & decrease distractions

→ Recognize and work through limiting beliefs so you are never held back by your own excuses (something we all do).

→ Manage not only your time, but also your energy, so when it comes time to take action you have no problem following through.

→ Evoke ease within your business & say no to hustle

So how does it work?

For the course of three months, you’ll belong to a community of female founders, where you’ll receive:

The Execute with Ease Method

You’ll start with identifying your soul’s desired outcome (the one that was planted in you for a reason)! Next, you’ll find the energy and time to focus on moving this project forward regularly. Through this “rinse and repeat” method, you’ll learn the value of the compound effect and how to evoke ease and follow the energy toward reaching your goals. You’ll master NeuroMining, a mindset strategy to overcome every block standing between you and your vision.

Monthly Group Coaching Session

One of the best ways to create transformation is by watching others move through similar roadblocks and applying their strategies for success to your own journey. During monthly coaching sessions, you’ll meet up with like-minded people who are also working on their soul-led goals. Everyone on the call will receive personalized coaching as you work through your blocks and find success. This is truly a time to be expanded by witnessing each other’s struggles and celebrations.

Weekly On-Track Check-ins

Every week I’ll be reaching out via instant messaging (I use Voxer) to see how you are progressing towards your goals. If you feel stuck and aren’t progressing, no worries - that is what I am here to help with. We’ll do some troubleshooting and get you back on track quickly!

Unlimited Text and Voice Messaging Coaching

Just because this is a group coaching program DOES NOT mean you won’t have direct access to me. Maybe you want to run a new idea by someone, maybe you’re having a bad week and feel stuck or maybe you want to CELEBRATE - whatever it is, you have direct access to me for just-in-time coaching. Its like having me in your back-pocket!

Monthly Virtual Productivity Sessions

Join the group for focused time to work towards your goals. You’ll learn my Focus Method and practice it so that getting dedicated “power hours” in on needle-moving tasks becomes a habit for you WITH NO DISTRACTIONS. During this time, you’ll also receive laser coaching and can get feedback on your power hour project.

Office Hours for 1:1 Coaching or Feedback

In addition to your group coaching, you can sign up for office hours to receive 1:1 support and guidance. Once or twice a month (whatever the group needs), I open up Office Hours where you can sign up for a 15-minute 1:1 time, to receive coaching or get feedback on a project. These are designed to ensure you have momentum on your project and overcome any block standing in your way.

“Kristin helped me identify the real and perceived roadblocks standing in the way of optimizing my business and navigate realistic and simple ways to overcome them and maximize my productivity.”


“Kristin helped me map out the steps to make the leap, navigate my fresh new business at the peak of the pandemic, and now I’ve gained an entire new level of confidence in my life.”



Are you ready to start Executing with Ease?

Click the button to sign up and get started. If you’re not sure if Execute with Ease SIMPLIFIED is the right for you, email me at to book a call and together we can determine if it’s a good fit!