10 Affirmations to Calm Overwhelm

When you feel…

  • Pulled in too many directions…

  • Like you wear too many hats and don’t wear any of them well…

  • That you have too many things swirling in your head…

  • Just plain overwhelmed…

Take a deep breath.  Bring yourself back to peace by saying these affirmations, breathing deeply between each one.

  1. It will all get done

  2. I am doing the best that I can, that is all that I can do

  3. This too shall pass

  4. In this moment, all is well

  5. I am surrounded by support

  6. Everything is unfolding as it should

  7. I choose faith over fear

  8. I take one step at a time

  9. I release the need to be in control

  10. I am enough

Choose one of these statements that brings you the most calm.  Say it often, write it on a post it and place it in frequently visited locations (your computer, car, bathroom mirror, kitchen, etc.). If your overwhelm is related to your schedule, check out this Take Control of Your Schedule cheatsheet.  If its related to a project, click on this Make it Happen Mindmap.


Time Blocking is Not the Best Way to Reach Your Goals