Time Blocking is Not the Best Way to Reach Your Goals

You hear about the time blocking strategy often.  The idea is that setting dedicated time aside for tasks helps you obtain your desired outcome.  But let me ask you this…

Do you ever hear “book your workout” as one of the top strength training strategies?

Do you think picking your meal prep day is a way to become a healthy eater?

So why would you expect to do the same thing with time blocking for your tasks?  

If you continue to block time off for tasks that you want to tackle, yet blow past that color-coded, categorized time on your google calendar to instead tackle urgent client or family demands, you are going to continue to disappoint yourself.  This erodes at self-trust and it has the opposite effect than you intend.

Time blocking is more like the last step in a series of steps to reaching your goals.  What are the other steps?

  1. Start small and build seft trust - If you are not used to booking appointments with yourself and honoring them, it is hard to jump into blocking back-to-back timeslots with no one but yourself to hold you accountable.  Start with one small thing that is your highest priority and make it a short 15-20 minutes.

  2. Accountability - Grab an accountability buddy to meet you there (either virtually or in person).  This can be a text or voicenote to someone before and after you take your action.  You are 65% more likely to do something if you tell someone else you will.

  3. Action steps vs. full project (i.e. chunk it down) - Determine the actions that you need to take during that timeslot.  The actual steps towared project completion.  Not the “project title” in the calendared block of time (its too overwhelming, vague and easy to put off).  Examples are “draft about page for my website”, or “google graphic designers to get 3 phone numbers”, instead of “update website” (which is a project title, too broad).

  4. Address obstacles - Notice what holds you back.  Pay attention to patterns of behavior so that you can overcome your blocks. Is it distractions that stop you?  Do you have a hard time starting?  Is your environment supportive or a hindrance?  Learn what stops you so you can address those one by one.

Do you want to continue to watch your color coding collect dust?  Or are you ready to build self trust with continued dedicated action?  If you are ready, click HERE to grab my free Take Control Of Your Schedule Cheatsheet.


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Procrastination is not a problem…  it is a guidepost