From Distracted Visionary to Higher Self CEO

Does this sound familiar?  

The alarm on your phone goes off… with one eye open you turn it off and a text from the kids school reminds you that school picture money is due and its a half day today. 

You glance at your email before you head to the coffee pot and see an urgent client question that will need your answer first thing.  You roll over and your spouse reminds you that he’s going on a business trip on Friday and can’t pick up the kids when he normally does.  Another schedule change you’ll need to deal with...

After the whirlwind of the morning routine is over and work starts, you sit down to work on that new client offer you dreamt up recently that’s going to get you out of hour-for-dollar work!  You sip your coffee, ahhh finally, I get to focus on something important to me…

The phone rings.  A client of yours needs an emergency meeting this afternoon.  Right during your meeting with your Virtual Assistant.  You shuffle the meeting around to accommodate your client, answer a couple emails.  

Its now 11am and you realize that you haven’t eaten.  You go to the fridge, which reminds you - you need milk, you forgot to get anything for dinner so you thaw something from the freezer. After doing some dishes, throwing in a load of laundry (oh the joys of working from home), back to the new client offer…  Was that what you were working on?

A reminder pops up from your calendar where you’ve timeblocked “record live for social media”.  Ugh, no energy for that right now, X out of that one! 

The productivity shame starts to loom and your inner critic starts in on you…

  • “you never finish what you set out to do”

  • “how do you ever think you’ll meet your revenue goals?”  

  • “you are terrible at follow through”

This is what I call the Distracted Visionary!  You know exactly WHAT you want to be working on.  However, the distractions, the shiny objects and the fact that you wear too many hats has you down on yourself.

There is also what I can the Higher Self CEO.  

She is a visionary, intuitive, limitless and fully connected to source.  

She is proud of where she spends her time (in her zone of genius work only).  

She’s an amazing delegator, has a simple system in place to let her stream of new business ideas continue to flow in to her and they get executed while she oversee’s the business from a high level.  

She’s clear headed and can be fully present for her family when she is with them.  

She lives her high vibration, higher self vision daily and she knows what to focus on at any given time.  

She has confidence, self trust and follows things through to completion.  

What to learn more?  DM me HS CEO!


New Year’s Resolutions are Dead - Do This Instead


Procrastination and Productivity Shame Are Trying to Tell You Something