New Year’s Resolutions are Dead - Do This Instead

This title is no surprise to you. We all know that New Year’s resolutions aren’t an effective way to create lasting change. Forbes has a poll that says that on average resolutions last 3.74 months. That is about when I see the gym parking lot get back to normal too, so it sounds about right.

One of the reasons new years resolutions and traditional goal setting fail is because they are full of shoulds. For example; “I should eat healthy”, “I should exercise more”, “I should stop shopping so much”. These thoughts come to mind because we’ve been trained to look outside of ourselves for what to improve.  

The other reason that resolutions don’t create lasting change is because it is hard to sustain motivation beyond March. If all you do is set the intention at the beginning of the year, you are going to lose steam and inspiration will fizzle out.

Here are some simple ways that you can re-fresh this outdated tradition:

  1. Let the goal come from inside of you, don’t look outside for goal ideas and never set a goal when the sentence starts with “I should…”

  2. Know your why. It’s one thing to say “I want to make $1M this year” but when you know the why behind your goal, it becomes more powerful. Do you want to feel freedom? Do you want to travel? Knowing why your why keeps you motivated.

  3. Set up some regular (i.e. monthly, quarterly) check ins to evaluate progress and allow room to adjust slightly if needed. Drop the all or nothing mindset, its not serving you here.

Want to learn more about how to make your New Year’s goals and intentions distraction-proof? You are going to want to learn my Focus Formula. Click here to download the Free PDF.


Procrastination is not a problem…  it is a guidepost


From Distracted Visionary to Higher Self CEO